Frequently Asked Questions
Here we take the time to answer some of the frequently asked questions from our customers.
Q: How long does an order take to ship?
A: On average, orders produced and shipped from the USA take roughly 7 business days from the date of order.
Q: Can you print an STL file for me that is not listed on your website?
A: Yes we can print almost any STL file you would like to have printed. Please contact us for pricing.
Q: Can you print my model at a different scale?
A: Yes we can print your model at many different scales. Please contact us for custom pricing and additional information.
Q: Can I get a different color filament used for my models?
A: Our standard print color for most models is a grey PLA. For some of our in-house designs we use multi-color to make them stand out whenever the application requires it. We can do different colors or filament types. Please contact us for color availability and pricing.
Q. Can you print my item in another scale?
A. Yes. Please contact us with the details of the item and scale you require, and we will get back to you with price for the scale adjusted item.
Q. Do you ship outside the US?
A. Yes, we ship all over the world! If you have a bulk order, please contact us as we may be able to help with a more suitable shipping option.
Q: Who are you a licensed printer for?
A: Currently we only print Fantasy World Games designs and are looking to partner with other RPG 3D design companies. If you want us to become a licensed printer, please contact us.
Q: What kind of printers are you using?
A: We use Creality Ender Printers (Fused Deposition Molding) printers with various upgrades and EPAX Resin 3D Printers.
Q: What brand filament do you use?
A: We have experimented with several brands and are currently using Inland and Hatchbox.
Q: What brand resin do you use?
A: We have experimented with several brands which led us to FWG Resin.
Fantasy World Games appreciates your questions. If you have any questions that haven't been answered please feel free to contact us and we will get those questions answered for you.